We believe with Jesus that God’s grace is truly amazing. God’s love is free and without condition, unearned and unmerited. Therefore, we are committed to welcoming all people.
Intellectual Integrity
We take the Bible seriously, though not literally. We ask questions about the scriptures understanding that none of us possesses the whole truth. We believe there is more grace to be found in the search for understanding than in dogmatic certainty; more value in questioning than absolutes. We also recognize the value of a variety of perspectives from both religion and science.
Spiritual Vitality
We continually seek meaningful ways of expressing our commitment to the life and teachings of Jesus because Jesus is the face of God’s love in our life and in the world. Following the path and teachings of Jesus can lead to an awareness and experience of the sacred and the oneness of all life.
Social Justice
With the knowledge that God cares for justice for all, we strive for peace and justice among all people through both our institutional life and spiritual lives. We enter the public sphere where we advocate for the poor, the hungry, and people suffering from injustice. We aspire to serve our neighbor in love both locally and globally.
Faith Formation
We value faith formation for all ages through continued education and conversations as we grow spiritually. It is our responsibility to pass on this expansive and evolving faith to all as well as to future generations.
Caring for the Earth
We understand the urgency to care for God’s beautiful creation and attempt to live in ways that are compassionate and honor our planet.
Belonging to the ELCA
We are committed to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Rocky Mountain Synod. Central to our spiritual life are:
Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism is a visible sign that reminds us of our identity as beloved children of God, in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
Sacrament of Communion
Weekly we gather, receive communion at the same table where all are equal before God, and are sent back out to the world to live God’s mission.
The Cross
The death of Jesus on the cross is a visible sign that God is always present in the margins of our lives, identifying with our suffering and pain.
Our Ministry
We are called to express gratitude for God’s gift of life and love by serving others and caring for Lord of the Mountains Lutheran Church through our financial gifts, our time, and our talents.