Please enjoy our photos! Will you join us in these fun and uplifting activities?

A baptism is a wonderful event for a child, a family and a congregation. Welcoming a child into the loving arms of people of faith reminds all of us that we are children of God.

Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday 2019 Pastor Liliana taught the children the importance of today and enjoyed an easter egg hunt. We also shared brunch with over 150 vistors and truly had a blessed day.

Palm Sunday
On Palm Sunday this year, the children gathered to hear Pastor Liliana describe the importance this day and the week ahead.

Santa & Mrs. Claus came to LOTM.
The LOTM congregation held a Christmas party for our children. Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and reindeer Cupid arrived to help the children celebrate. Our dear Joe Fassel also shared his train set with the children. This was a fun day at LOTM. Thank you to everyone who made this special day possible.

The Saints of the old days
The Saints of the old days are for us models of faith to follow and inspiration for our daily lives. This Advent we celebrate the lives of St.Nicholas, of Saint Lucia, St. Joseph and of Mother Mary. In this photo the children find gifts in their shoes. What a surprise!

The children helped Saint Lucia
The children helped Saint Lucia bring food into the sanctuary for the poor. Born to wealthy and noble parents, Saint Lucia gave away her dowry to the poor saying
"...whatever you give away at death for the Lord's sake you give because you cannot take it with you. Give now to the true Savior, while you are healthy, whatever you intended to give away at your death."

Advent Wreaths
This year members of the congregation were invited to make advent wreaths for their home. The advent wreath is made of evergreen foliage in which four candles are set, one to be lit on each Sunday of Advent. The candles symbolize hope, faith, joy, and peace. The fifth candle is the Christ candle symbolizing the light that Christ brought into the world.

Deck The Halls
Members of the congregation gathered to deck the halls of Lord of the Mountains. Doug, Karen J., Chris, Luray, Diane and Karen K. along with many others decorated the tree, put up wreaths and greens and prepared the way for Christmas.

Banner of Mary
Katie Romanoski and her grandchildren prepared this banner of Mary for Christmas at Lord of the Mountains. Mary who invites us to join with her in giving birth to, raising, mourning, and—eventually—following Jesus Christ our Lord. Luke portrays her in this startling role: one that shakes up the way we’ve been brought up to think of “Blessed Mary, Mother of God.” He calls us to stop worshipping from afar and begin living as she lived.

Biking in Beautiful Places
In the spring Lord of the Mountains blesses the bicycles and the bicylists who will ride throughout the county, and beyond to enjoy exercise and beautiful places. Last spring after the service of blessing our cyclists followed the recreation path near the church for a little fun and exercise with friends.

Celebration of Saint Francis of Assissi
On October 4th people all over the world, including Lord of the Mountains, share in the celebration of Saint Francis of Assissi with the Blessing of the Animals. Saint Francis of Assissi was a patron of animals and the natural environment.